Information for members

Rehearsal info

We rehearse most Thursdays 7.30 - 9.30pm at Lauriston School, 55 Rutland Road E9 7JS. The entrance is through the gates to the left of the school entrance in Rutland Road.

Autumn Term 2024

Our regular weekly Thursday rehearsals at Lauriston School start on 5th September and finish on 19th December. The Christmas carol service is on 22nd December. I have requested a rehearsal during half term week on 31st October. This has not yet been confirmed but please put it in your diaries and I will confirm as soon as I can. Rehearsals will start and finish at our normal time 19.30 - 21.30.

There will be two extra rehearsals before the Autumn concert on 19th October.

The first is on Saturday 5th October from 11.00 to 13.00 at St Barnabas Church Homerton High St.

The second is at Lauriston School on Tuesday 15th October from 19.30 - 21.30.

Subscription costs:

  • Full: One annual payment Sept - July £200 or two payments of £100
    Concession: Sept - July £100 or two payments of £50

The subs cover the costs of the tuition, venue hire and musical scores. Occasionally we rent scores, for which we ask members for a fully-refundable deposit. Another cost for members is a one-off purchase of a reusable black folder for our concerts.

Concerts, especially in trendy Hackney, are extortionately expensive to put on. We encourage our members to pay their subs on time and sell as many tickets as possible to support the choir (or buy them as gifts for friends and family ).


To get in touch with the committee, simply choose the person you want to get in touch with from the list below and add to the end: 

Soprano questions: sopranorep  
Alto questions: altorep
Tenor questions: tenorrep
Bass questions: bassrep
Concert questions: concertmanager
Rehearsals questions: rehearsals
The Chair: chair
For website issues: admin
The Treasurer: treasurer

Social media - please follow and share!

Privacy Notice

Hackney Singers privacy notice.pdf